Sunday 25 February 2024
Friday night.I have a quiet weekend ahead of me,All to myself, all by myself.Sometimes it just feels good to spend time in my own company.I shut out the outside world for three days.I don’t respond to emails or phone calls.I have a tasty take-out dinner.Lovely sushi!I have a glass of red wine.I indulge in a slice of chocolate cake.I write a short story and a poem.I watch a romantic comedy on Netflix.I soak up in a bubble bath and browse a fashion magazineWhile in the tub with a beauty mask on my face.I open my journal and reflect on my day,Sipping from a cup of strawberry tea.I light a scented candle while I write.The candle helps me feel inspired,And the pen rushes on the paper as if it writes on its own.I go to bed early.I spritz some lavender mist on my pillow.I read a book before sleep.I repeat on Saturday and Sunday.Small joys bring me just as much happiness in my life as the big ones.