Wednesday 3 January 2024

And sometimes home is finding comfort in the notes of music and lines of songs that speaks to your heart, home is in the voice of your favourite singer, in the love and time to create playlists, in the pages of a good book, home is curling up in poetry, in the drafted incomplete notes app words, it is coming to the familiarity of loud voices and chaos, home is your mom peeling you fruits after just questioning your entire existence, its your brother wanting to watch an anime together after you guys fought just a couple days before, it is when your dad shares a funny video after having said unkind words to you, home is fries with your best friend, sharing photos of cats in your group chat, discussing poetry, movies, series with your brother, home is having a walk under the pretty palette of evening skies with the love of your life after a long day you both had. Home is everything you find yourself coming back to. 🥀

Kirsten and Joerg

Victorian House