Tuesday 30 January 2024


Gender is usually thought of as a synonym to sex which isn't. While sex is biology, gender is a social construct/ "Gender identity describes a person’s self-perceived gender, which could be male, female, or otherwise." Gender is a choice of identity in what makes you feel most confident and no I do not mean peoples jokes of "Oh, I feel confident identifying my gender as being moss." I mean non-binary, genderfluid, trans. LGBTQIA+. Do not mock people in there identity or sexuality like how you should not mock people for there religion or God.

When I say sex I don't mean 'night fun time' or anything related. I am talking about the category you are assigned at birth. This is what people usually mean when they say ''there is only two genders.'' Which isn't right anyway because there are three sexes. Male, Female and Intersex. Intersex is "Individuals born with any of several sex characteristics including chromosome patterns, gonads, or genitals that, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 'do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies' ".

Let’s talk about exorsexism. Exorsexism is a form of discrimination that goes explicit against nonbinary, genderfluid, agender and inter persons or more generally any person that has gender characteristics other than cis or trans. Therefore exorsexism falls under the queerphobia umbrella. Exorsexism is the false believe that individuals can only be male or female (both sex and gender).

i love our dead and i love our living, i love our elders and i love our youth. i love our existence. i love all our shapes and sizes, i love all of our creeds and origins, i love all of our stories and above all i love us.

the gnc, the drag kings/queens, the intersex. the ones who fit stereotypes and the ones who don't, and i love the ones who identify with those stereotypes and i love the ones who don't. i love fat queers, and i love thin queers. i love leather queers and i love bears and i love those who make queerness into a statement and those who don't. i love those who make queerness into an art and those who don't. i love those who embrace being called weird queers and those who don't. i love our allies, i love those who aren't part of our numbers but are fighting for us all the same. i love those who come out early and those who come out later and i love those who don't come out at all.

i love the xenogender users, the neopronoun users. the nondysphoric trans people and the dysphoric trans people. i love the people who identify with microlabels and i love the people who don't identify with labels at all. i love the lesbians who are also gay men and the gay men who are also lesbians, i love people who identify with modern terminology and those who identify with old and outdated terms. i love the transvestites and the transsexuals and i love the dykes and i love the fags, i love those who are conventional and i love those who are nonconventional, i love the disabled queers and the queers of color. i love the religious queers and the nonreligious queers. and the closeted queers and the queers who are out.

We are not alone. We are valuable, and our intersex identity is worth celebrating. Our community knowledge, care for each other, and solidarity is worth celebrating. Our intersex joy is worth celebrating.

"When the physical and astral bodies are in perfect congruence, they look very much alike in shape, form, and essence. Transgendered individuals almost all have an astral body that reflects some aspect of their internal conception of their gender, although it may be more or less hermaphroditic than their internal conception. This is one of the few types of inherent dissimilarity. (Other inherent dissimilarities involve being not-quite-entirely human, and that is beyond the scope of this article.)"

Our generation is becoming so busy trying to prove that women can do what men can do that women are losing their uniqueness. Women weren't created to do everything a man can do. Women were created to do everything that a man can't do.

"To be a woman and feel so deeply and intensely about everything is a beautiful trait. Don’t let the world take that from you. To be able to feel emotions throughout your body, to be able to openly cry when you’re happy, sad or mad, to be able to feel the emotion you feel completely so you don’t cause trauma. To feel is to heal. To feel is to survive. You are not broken, you are living."

The woman who eschews femininity, who is content with her natural shape and size and smell, who is impatient with the lengthy rituals of femininity, is condemned by both sexes. To women, she is an uncomfortable reminder of the extent to which they have abandoned themselves to the demands of men. To men, she is a threatening warning that their domination is not total and that women still have the power to regain themselves.

be nice to yourself. eat breakfast and take a walk. be kind to yourself. trust yourself and take baby steps. leave procrastination behind because you can do this. trust me, you won't betray your to-do list this time. drink juices and eat healthy. bake your favorite shaped cookies and it's okay if don't want to share them. treat yourself like you are your best friend, your lover, your mother, your brother, your daughter because you deserve happiness and peace.

Monday 29 January 2024


I think the greatest thing that we can offer to someone, is to be their peace.

The intimacy of reading while someone you love sits close to you, reading their own book with your head on their lap playing with your hair, twirling and twisting your hair stands, being so comfortable with each other that it feels so natural, like you are truely home with peace and tranquility......

Most people never heal, because they stay in their heads, replaying corrupted scenarios. Let it go...

Do you know what happens when you decide to stop worrying about what other people might think of you? You get to dance. You get to sing. You get to laugh loudly, paint, write, and create. You get to be yourself. And you know what? Some people won't like you, but it just won't bother you all that much.

Not a well known fact

Be yourself

A wonderful feeling at times

It's natural for me

I enjoy the best of both

It gives me pleasure

Always in chastity


It feels amazing

It takes a very special person to love and understand us...


“A bad peace is worse than war.”

actually i love growing older and learning how i work as a person like realizing what kinds of fabrics feel best on my skin or what brand of yogurt i like best or how I want to be touched. watching myself change, enjoying brussel sprouts when I used to hate them as a child, understanding why I got angry in that one conversation 10 years ago... there are so many mysteries inside me that i have yet to unravel and there will always be more and sometimes i think maybe its all worth it

"You deserve a calm love with somebody who is good for your mental health and nervous system."

“Do not tell others how to act unless you can set a good example.”

Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.

Stop hating yourself for everything you aren't. Start loving yourself for everything you are. ❤️



Emily Bunie


Stupid Fuck Hole




If you need help, pray/ask with a sincere heart


Before talking about yourself when someone asks for help, ask yourself will it benefit the other person?

Trust the universe’s plan for you

“The less energy we waste regretting the past or worrying about the future, the more energy we will have for what’s in front of us.”

“We must act in a selfless spirit, Krishna says, without ego-involvement and without getting entangled in whether things work out the way we want; only then will we not fall into the terrible net of karma. We cannot hope to escape karma by refraining from our duties: even to survive in the world, we must act.”

You become a more positive, peaceful and harmonic person when you don't react to people that use you as a mirror for their own self-hate.

I am capable of fulfilling my desires, everything will fall into place, there are processes happening that I can't even understand yet, I am taken care of๐Ÿค

It's all about a test of faith, self worth and inspired action.

Expansion is your divine conscious right, allow yourself to expand into the highest parts of you ๐Ÿ•Š

๐Ÿ’š Start affirming positive affirmations especially as soon as you wake up! Make it a routine as you are running through your morning to affirm your positive lifestyle & attitude

๐Ÿ’š Nurture yourself! Taking action in being there for yourself and nurturing your growth will give the vibrational frequency of natural positivity, as a positive person is someone who cares about themselves!

Kirsten and Joerg

Victorian House