Life on the River
Tuesday, 7 November 2023
I do enjoy it. It's always fun to wear pretty lingerie, but it needs to be gently handwashed to keep it nice. It's a perfect chore for a panty boy pansy.
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This desire to learn what the faith is from those who have lived it in the face of being told they are not welcome or worthy is far more than “inclusion.” Actually, inclusion isn’t the right word at all, because it sounds like in our niceness and virtue we are allowing “them” to join “us”—like we are judging another group of people to be worthy of inclusion in a tent that we don’t own. I realized in that coffee shop that I need the equivalent of the Ethiopian eunuch to show me the faith. I continually need the stranger, the foreigner, the “other” to show me water in the desert. I need to hear, “here is water in the desert, so what is to keep me, the eunuch, from being baptized?” Or me the queer or me the intersex or me the illiterate or me the neurotic or me the overeducated or me the founder of”― Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint
Anastasiia Zakharenko by David Dubnitskiy
“It doesn't matter if I think like a boy or a girl. It doesn't matter anymore if I'm either or both or neither. All that shit seems so petty and immaterial now. There's so little difference between one human being and the next, it's just hypotheses, human ideas about life and the world and words that mean nothing, about definitions that mean nothing to Earth, to nature, to the universe. Boys and girls and intersex people and me--we're just ideas, and when we're dead, the ideas will go with us. It all means nothing.”― Abigail Tarttelin, Golden Boy
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The person connected to the person that caught this said….. The person that captured this a few years ago hence the picture quality (sorry) Caught it at the Basin Park Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It’s a very old hotel. This picture was sent to me by a bartender that works there. She took the one of what we believe to be a little kid looking down the corridor at them. The reason it was taken was due to the fact that reports were made and things were heard but capturing things on film became a priority so we could prove we were not imagining things.