Wednesday 29 May 2024

By filming yourself walking around your house and talking about literature and theory and your family, you’re giving us this remarkably generous self-portrait—of what you think about most, what you read, your own artistic journey, and perhaps most of all, your body and voice moving through space in the most banal but also intimate and compelling of ways.


Somewhere else.Somewhere else.How these little words ring.

When you have generosity toward others, self-love is possible, or is it vice versa?

And a thousand small hopes stirring,not new but newly acknowledged.

When we started, when you started here with me, we had such hopes. Such usesfor logic. Like gulps of air. Like body parts and places to put them. I escaped from you like a reason. Like bone does from a fossil.I ached to become a ghost and when I did I even ghosted the long pauses. Hush hush.I wrote silence down instead of speaking it.I write silence and the silence answers with more silence. I write inhales. I write the pauses and then haunt them too, until they stay quiet and afraid in their corners.Pause, I write. And pause silences pause.

Let's pay attention only to where we are.There's enough beauty in being here and not somewhere else.

Kirsten and Joerg

Victorian House