Wednesday 20 March 2024

It is very important for every girl to match their kitchen.

be playful. not everything needs to be taken so seriously. spend time around babies and animals. watch cartoons and fairytale movies.

let yourself feel. when you feel like crying, cry. when you feel like laughing, laugh. when you feel like screaming, scream.

slow down. drop the plans and go with the flow. meditate. plan a getaway. take a nap.

speak with kindness. don’t speak harshly to yourself. speak with compassion and tenderness. you’re not dumb or stupid, you’re learning. also, be mindful of your loved ones feelings when you speak.

Females are emotional creatures and it is normal for them to have a hard time holding their emotions back. A Patriarchal Male gives them the space to express themselves while educating and discplining them out of letting emotions take over their role and duties of servitude

🎀 Have a carefree and relaxed demeanor. Don’t be cynical, seem depressed, tell sarcastic jokes or long-winded stories.

Kirsten and Joerg

Victorian House