Thursday 14 March 2024

In nostalgia, there's no difference between a day, a year, a decade, or a lifetime because the amount of longing is beyond the idea of time.

“The preparation of food also serves the soul in a number of ways. In a general sense, it gives us a valuable, ordinary opportunity to meditate quietly, as we peel and cut vegetables, stir pots, measure out proportions, and watch for boiling and roasting. We can become absorbed in the sensual contemplation of colors, textures, and tastes as, alchemists of the kitchen, we mix and stir just the right proportions.”

Things are so hard to figure when you live from day to day in this feverish and silly world.

”Oh, well we could talk all night and have a good time and eat pizza and drink wine and by God we will when I get travelin money. Meanwhile, sweetie, be cool, be blessed, be relaxed, like roses in the rain here I see out my window right now.”

It’s not in a person’s best interest that they are told nothing is real—that is simply not true or possible! Humanity would not exist and we would be pure consciousness if that proved to be true, but here we are existing physically in a physical world. We contain our consciousness in these physical bodies and create physical realities where we experience humanity—godliness and humanness is not contradictory. They coexist, throughout self and imagination. The law of assumption does not erase humanness from godliness nor separate the two, the Law of Assumption is about becoming aware of your godliness and learning how to integrate godliness and humanness so that one can have the best experience possible while continuing to exist physically in this world. Your thoughts and feelings are real and your experiences are valid—You are real, and you exist. Yes, you are god but you’ve temporarily taken on a human form and you are experiencing humanness! Enjoy it and enjoy yourself.

Kirsten and Joerg

Victorian House