Tuesday 5 March 2024

To seek out and heal your traumas is a deeply uncomfortable and unpleasant experience. It can be so uncomfortable and so scary that sometimes we prefer to keep our traumas over healing from them. And we learn to justify this by assimilating those traumas into our identity. This only makes things more difficult, because any suggestion of healing that trauma becomes an affront to your very sense of self.

Intense presence is needed when certain situations trigger a reaction with a strong emotional charge, such as when your self-image is threatened, a challenge comes into your life that triggers fear, things “go wrong,” or an emotional complex from the past is brought up.

Emotional State



On the face of it, it may seem that the problem lies in discussing biology, since "we must not be limited by our biology." Such assertions appear appealing: we are more than our bodies, biology is not destiny and so forth. Yet if we cannot talk of biology, we cannot mention the word trans either, since what is seldom mentioned is that the category 'biological sex' is in fact a prerequisite for the terms trans and cis. Any mention of the words 'trans' and 'cis' is referring to biological sex. The basis of the dichotomy is precisely the relationship to one's own biological sex. Those who remain in the sex they were born in are now known as 'cis', while those who want to 'cross over' to the other sex are known as 'trans'. When defining cis, the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research writes without hesitation that those born with a vagina are women, just as Mathilda Aokerlund writes unambiguously about being "born in a specific sex." Thus, the proverbial bathwater is flowing back just as quickly as it was washed down the drain and what is now considered 'problematic' is not talk of biology but an analysis of power based on sex.

To be a woman and feel so deeply and intensely about everything is a beautiful trait. Don’t let the world take that from you. To be able to feel emotions throughout your body, to be able to openly cry when you’re happy, sad or mad, to be able to feel the emotion you feel completely so you don’t cause trauma. To feel is to heal. To feel is to survive. You are not broken, you are living.

Kirsten and Joerg

Victorian House