Monday 4 March 2024

A woman without curves is like jeans without pockets, you've got no-where to put your hands

Make a plan, make a strategy, work it out and  just do it. Yes, you can be cozy and productive, you can enjoy the holidays and stay in shape, you can watch a movie and stay on top of your work. IF YOU PLAN.🖤

Cozy Sunday. Put your comfy clothes on. Put on your favourite hoodie, fuzzy socks, put your hair in a bun, snuggle in a blanket or stay on the carpet and START PLANNING. Light a candle, drink a coffee, put your phone away and PLAN. Plan the week ahead, plan your meals, plan your days, plan your studies, organise your paperwork, plan for the month ahead, plan your holidays, you don't want to get cluttered and confused in the last months of the year. You are EFFICIENT, CAPABLE, PREPARED, ORGANIZED, DISCIPLINED.

So when you see a woman like that walking by, don't think for one moment she was just lucky to be born like that, NO, she made herself like that. Don't waste her time, boy.

Don't you ever think that a sweet, lovely, educated, good looking woman is soft. To become a lovely, well-mannered, well-spoken lady she worked on her character every single day. To be a highly educated woman she studied, focused and maintained discipline for years to achieve her goals. To look that good she works out every day, she eats healthy, takes care of herself and keeps a routine. She prioritises good habits. She works on herself every single day.

Thrift! But not as a hobby - I love thrifting and there’s a heck of a thrill in finding a beautiful ceramic mug or stumbling upon a cute sweater, but you’re not saving money like that. You should thrift for the things you need first and make sure to have a clear idea of what you’re looking for before going in. The thrift store should ideally be your first stop when looking to buy, but if you can’t find it after a bit of time looking, you’re not less than for having to buy new.

If you can make it at home, you should make it at home - cleaning products, food, gifts, home decor, all of it.

Kirsten and Joerg

Victorian House