Saturday 3 February 2024

"I guess what I mean is sometimes I don't know what or who we are. Days I feel like a human being, while other days I feel more like a sound. I touch the world not as myself but as an echo of who I was. Can you hear me yet? Can you read me?"

”Oh, well we could talk all night and have a good time and eat pizza and drink wine and by God we will when I get travelin money. Meanwhile, sweetie, be cool, be blessed, be relaxed, like roses in the rain here I see out my window right now.”

we’re all made of stardust, rulers of the cosmos


“The universe is one gigantic, living Being. When we have a feeling of intimacy with this Being, when we fall in love with everything that exists, the universe speaks to us and reveals its innermost secrets.”

remember to be nice to urself n show urself some grace always , ur only one person living and learning over n over again. it’s okay to fumble or mess up but never let guilt consume you. you are more than that

forgive yourself. all you were doing was what you thought was best at the moment. you didn’t have all of the information or awareness that you do now. treat your past self with love and compassion, they did all they could.

Kirsten and Joerg

Victorian House