Sunday 4 February 2024


And indeed her presence gave the house what none of the other houses that he visited seemed to possess: a sort of nervous system, a sensory network which ramified into each of its rooms and sent a constant stimulus to the heart.

I want to put flowers in your hair. But what flowers? There are none with touching enough simplicity. And from what May would I fetch them? But I’m convinced now that you always have a wreath in your hair… or a crown… I’ve never seen you any other way.

But what good would it do to journey far from everything, since voices are everywhere and nowhere a refuge watched over by some quiet beneficence that might receive me. Nowhere the place where pettiness grows less insistent and less harsh. If I were to go to into the desert, I would perish from sun and hunger; for the birds have ceased coming to the hermit: they toss their bread into the crowd and the crowd scuffles for it…

For it is difficult for any of us to calculate exactly on what scale his words or his gestures are apparent to others. Partly from the fear of exaggerating our own importance, and also because we enlarge to enormous proportions the field over which the impressions formed by other people in the course of their lives are obliged to extend, we imagine that the accessories of our speech and attitudes scarcely penetrate the consciousness, still less remain in the memory of those with whom we converse.

I will not submit my soul wholly, I save a secret piece for myself… and a woman wants to control her man to feel secure. I can understand this. But I do not ask a woman for her complete soul either.

Whatever you decide to do, make it your decision. Be aware of what they are selling you. Be aware of how you are constantly being barraged. You can’t even watch something, read an article etc. without them selling you something. Next time you go to a store see if you can walk out with nothing. Make yourself immune to their bullshit.

Kirsten and Joerg

Victorian House