Sunday 4 February 2024

Your time is something they value. It’s really the only thing they value aside from their God, money. They need you more than you need them. Without you they wouldn’t be flying around in jets, and eating at restaurants with food that cost as much as your rent or mortgage. Make your time invaluable. Make it the most precious thing in your life because it is. It’s the only thing that is truly yours.

You were not born to work, pay bills, and die. You feel that there is something unnatural about this existence because there is. Exist for yourself, for your friends and family, for experiences. That does not mean there is not responsibility. The chores still need to get done, and yes, money is a part of the system that we are all unfortunately prey to, so working is required. However, work to pay for your needs, and value your time over your preconceived wants.

You were introduced to commercials at a vulnerable age. You were taught that when you were sad (remember the kid was always sad before getting the toy or food) that when you got this shiny thing you would feel happy. Just like a good guinea pig you were conditioned as the perfect specimen to buy the shiny things, and work until you’re dead to pay for them.

What is important to you? Let’s assume it’s already family and friends. Do you value nature, do you value a quiet evening reading, do you value art and music? Try to find things that you value that don’t come with a price tag. Another one is, “well I like to spend money”. Do you though, do you like being in debt? Do you love that second mortgage? Do you love getting divorced because your husband or wife doesn’t want to work until they’re dead to pay for your lifestyle, and love of spending money? That high you get is you filling a void that you were conditioned to fill.

Who are you before they told you who to be, and what has value? What has value to you that doesn’t have a price tag? Don’t just say what you were taught to say. Even that, kith and kin, family and friends. That goes without saying. We were taught to say it in defense of all your monetary expenditures. “Of course I like my things but my family comes first”. How many times have you heard that. Paging Captain Obvious.

All shampoos are essentially made with the same garbage, stop searching for the one that’s going to fix your hair, it doesn’t exist. Your hair is that way because you are trained to pay top dollar for chemical treatments that destroy your scalp and hair. Your mother did it, and your grandmother did it but your great grandmother couldn’t afford it nor did she have the time, and her hair did look better. Blondes don’t have more fun but it sure cost a small fortune to find that out, and that’s what they are counting on.

It’s the same with the food pyramid. They wanted to sell more food so you need four food groups, and 1400-2000 calories a day; when, historically through thousands of years this was never true. We are consumers, we are their marks. Nothing we have been taught is for our benefit. It is to sell something. Don’t randomly eat or snack because society says to eat three meals, and two snacks a day. Eat when you’re hungry, and stop when you aren’t.

Kirsten and Joerg

Victorian House