Tuesday 2 January 2024

the urge to run away and live in a cabin in the woods and gather berries and make crumble then after go for a swim in the river is intense


Home with my Husband

Emotional State


you got to learn to not sabotage the healing process. i know it's hard to not pick at the scabs, i get it. but the wound will reopen and you'll start bleeding again. let it be.

maybe the purpose of life is to fill it with as many positive things as you can. regardless of how bad life gets, don’t let it steal your personality, your hobbies, your style. after coming home from a bad day at work maybe you need to sit down and read a nice book. after studying non-stop for so long, maybe you should finish that crochet project you’ve been putting off because you’re so busy. maybe we should prioritize the things we love, the things that make us happy, and not just the things we’re forced to do to survive. in this society, a little peace from the outside world is important. don’t give up on the things that make you happy. don’t forget about yourself.

Kirsten and Joerg

Victorian House