Wednesday 27 December 2023

"Life is not a race, it's a journey. Don't forget to enjoy the ride."

I had been sitting at the bar by myself, the club was pulsating with life and energy, I however, was not. I was just about to leave when a handsome man sat next to me and offered me a drink, it might have been the mood I was but I unusually accepted his offer, and to my surprise he acted like a perfect gentleman.

"When you find no solution to a problem, it's probably not a problem to be solved, but rather a truth to be accepted."Anonymous

"Nothing is impossible; the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"Audrey Hepburn

"Don't wait for things to get better. Life will always be complicated. Learn to be happy right now, otherwise you will run out of time."Anonymous

"Success comes from what we do consistently, not occasionally."Marie Forleo

"We overthink happiness. Keep it simple. There is something good in every moment, find it and keep your focus there."Kristen Butler