Thursday 21 December 2023

You are doing your best. Your best varies day to day but is always your best and you are good enough regardless of how much you accomplish.

You are good enough, no matter what.

You deserve to be complimented! People will see the amazing things about you! Yes, there are people out there who are insincere, but there are so many more who genuinely want to share with you how wonderful you are. You ARE amazing, and you DO deserve to be told that.

Find joy in the little things! You deserve a happy life, one step at a time.

You deserve people who make you feel better, not worse. A relationship will not be wonderful 100% of the time, but it shouldn't make you feel worse about yourself or unsafe consistently. You deserve safe and happy love.

You deserve a warm life, a cozy life, a life free of pain and full of people who genuinely care. A world where, when you experience pain, people are still there for you. You will find a soft future. It will be a slow process, full of missteps and fumbling, but someday you will look around and realize that you were right to keep on going.

There are so many small joys in the world! There is something that looks more blue today than it has before, something that sounds sweeter than yesterday, something that tastes more incredible than you have ever tasted it before. And tomorrow, you can find joy again. Look around and appreciate the little things.

Let's Keep God Out of It