Tuesday 25 July 2023

Being a sissy means you’re not a traditional Western culture "male," in that way that ascribes traditional masculine qualities to people born with a penis: Physical strength, relative lack of emotional depth, the whole hunter / gatherer / protector metaphor. It’s all nothing I ever wanted anyway. Without going into too much sociopolitical detail, I feel in my heart that this sort of “male energy” is what has caused the world so much pain and grief.

Being a sissy also doesn’t mean you’re a woman, at least not in the usual sense. I, for example, do not have female genitals, and currently don’t plan to. I don’t rule out that I may wish to transition sometime in the future, but at that point, I would become a woman, no longer a sissy. Sissies like me certainly present as female, but again, we’re talking about this in terms of traditional cultural mores: Mode of dress, choice of how and where to display hair, and what length to wear it on one’s head, deportment, voice, etc. Again, when “female” is recognized as deferential, passive, soft (The opposite of traditional male characteristics), we can again recognize that this part is simply cultural, not biological. There is no imperative in nature that there should be two distinctly separated genders, both of whom are only privy to certain qualities that define a human being.

Kirsten and Joerg

Victorian House