Thursday 8 June 2023


Vacuuming - Carpets and rugs should be constantly monitored; being vaccumed almost daily, more so if there are pets in the home. Vacuuming is a noisy activity that should be done at mid-day or when it is less disruptive to others in or around the home. Once a month furniture should be moved to allow access underneath to give the flooring a deep clean.

The state of the home is a reflection of one's cability to keep tidy and organized. Any stupid girl can clean, but proficient Housewifes elevate these simple tasks into the art of House Keeping and be able to find joy and take pride in their work, given enough time. Starting the journey of Perfect Obedience here will be a good test for one's skill sets as well as physical and mental capabilities, while also being an opportunity to refine them. Remember, House Keeping is a daily chore that falls soley onto your shoulders as Housewife. That means no asking for help, no slacking off, and by absolute no means can something be pushed off until tomorrow of there is time today to do it. House Keeping is not rocket science, and there should be no excuse not to excel in the most straightforward tasks that any simpleton or trained monkey can do.

Sissy Life

Home with my Husband

Emotional State


Kirsten and Joerg

Victorian House